The Gifts of Glass & Wear Guarantee

  • We want you to LOVE your products, just the way you ordered it! Please review your personalization requests before submitting, including name spelling and dates. Once the order is placed, we may not be able to make changes as we are working promptly to get your order done! Feel free to contact us with any personalization questions before placing your order.
  • We inspect each item by hand for quality and accuracy. We are human, however, so mistakes can happen. In the case of a quality/accuracy issue, please contact us within 30 days to discuss a replacement or refund. Personalized items cannot be returned, unless there is a product defect or manufacturing error on our part. 
  • During the holiday season, we are working hard to get your order out on time! Please check our homepage for order deadlines to ensure you have your item in time! We cannot offer refunds for orders that were delayed due to unforeseen circumstances outside of our control (ex: weather) so please place your orders promptly. Thanks for understanding!